Organisation structure and hierarchy communication flow
Human resources Terms of reference
Finance, Risk and Audit -Terms of reference
Business and Community- Terms of reference
Annual Plan 2022-2023
Roles and Responsibilities at school volleyball
Board Charter 2022- will be reviewed when we review the constitution 2025
Volleyball Southland is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its workers and others affected by its activities. This includes employees, players, officials, spectators and volunteers.
School Handbook - replacing MOU - currently being reviewed outside of school season -winter 2022
Vaccination decision-making process
Traffic light framework document
Disciplinary procedure and policy
Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Policy
Bullying and Harassment Policy
Health and Safety Policy
ILT Stadium Southland - First Floor
PO Box 224, Invercargill, 9840
Cell 027 4710782 Email