About Us

Volley South Inc, Association is the governing body, and Regional Sporting Organisation as well as the club Volley South for all Volleyball within the Southland and Queenstown Lakes Regions, and is one of fourteen Associations linking back to the National Sporting Organisation,  Volleyball New Zealand. Volley South is a non-profit organisation that run many indoor programmes from the  ILT Stadium Southland and throughout our region. They also run Beach Volleyball from their new beach courts located at Otepuni Community Hub, 40 Forth Street, Invercargill. Read more below.

About us:

Volley South aims to develop and engage volleyball players of all levels, ages, and interests, from beginner through to competitive. We exist to deliver a range of competitions and events throughout the Southland and Queenstown Lakes region, including both indoor and beach volleyball. We are a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers and casual paid staff throughout the region as well as a part time Executive Officer.

in 2022, we have experienced a 109% growth in participant numbers (compared to 2020-2021), reaching 2247 participants across our various competitions and formats. Our latest numbers indicate that we are the fourth largest participation sport in the Southland region.

We have a strong female player base, with 63% of our participants being female. This is of particular note in our senior school competitions (Years 11–13), where our female numbers remain high, despite this being the life stage where female rangatahi generally experience ‘drop off’ in their participation in physical activity, in particular organised sport. This suggests that volleyball is offering an experience that meets the diverse needs of this demographic and remains an appealing option no matter the age of the participant.

As well as strong female participation, volleyball has a very ethnically diverse participant base; we have high numbers of Filipino, Asian, Māori, and Pacific Islanders across our junior and senior school formats, representative teams, as well as our business house and social competitions. The latest national data from the Active New Zealand Survey (2021) indicates that our Asian communities, including the Filipino community, and Pacific Island communities are less likely to be active and participate in organised sport. Our participation data over the last few years shows that volleyball is a popular option with these communities; therefore, the competitions that are able to be organised and delivered by Volley South provide an increased opportunity for these people to participate in, and benefit from, physical activity.

Their high representation in volleyball participants further suggests that the current competitions and formats being offered are appealing and accessible to a diverse range of participants.

Over one quarter of all current participants live in the wider Southland or Gore Districts. Travel is a commonly identified barrier to participation in sport and physical activity, particularly organised sport, and is often noted as an issue in Southland, which has such a large geographical area. However, these numbers suggest that people are choosing to travel to participate in volleyball competition in Invercargill city, suggesting that the opportunities being offered are appealing and are meeting their needs.

Understanding our current participant base has enabled us to build on steps already taken to facilitate and encourage participation growth and a sustainable approach to delivery over the past few years. Volley South has identified further opportunities to grow the game, with a particular focus on the traditionally lower participating communities that we already deliver to. Future potential in the space includes growing beach volleyball participation, introducing grass volleyball that enables the game to be played in local spaces and places, and investigating opportunities for further regional growth that removes the travel barrier for participants by taking competitions closer to where they live.

Volleyball provides a fun, social, and safe environment where people of all ages and ethnicities can feel they have a sense of belonging. We provide opportunities that meet the needs of all participants, from fun, social teams through to representative pathways and development. We also support local coaches and referees to develop their skills and access opportunities within the sport.

We pride ourselves on providing equitable access to sport participation for all participants throughout the Southland and Queenstown Lakes region; in line with our vision and mission, we aim to keep costs as low as possible for participants to ensure our competitions and events are inclusive of and accessible to all who want to participate.

The mission of Volley South is to deliver quality and effective volleyball opportunities and support to all age groups at all levels.

“Volley South aspires to provide quality volleyball opportunities and experiences for anyone, anywhere, at any time."​​​​​​​


Student Staff help run competitions and events, as well as helping with the up keep of the Otepuni Community Hub.

At Volley South, we're united by our love for volleyball, and our organisational structure is designed to support every aspect of the sport, and to be agile.

We're grateful for the dedication of our team, from grassroot to board level and all the in between.

Together, we serve as the driving force behind the success of volleyball in our region.

Life Members

Recognising individuals whose unwavering commitment to volleyball has left an indelible mark:

Duncan Mckenzie

Dave McKissock

Acknowledging Our Heroes

A heartfelt thanks to our volunteer coaches and casual paid staff. Your passion and dedication keep the volleyball spirit alive in our community.

Organisational Structure

Welcome to the organisational structure of Volley South, your premier destination for volleyball excellence. Our structure is designed to ensure the smooth functioning of our organisation, from international governance down to the grassroots level. Explore the layers of our organisation below:

At the top of our hierarchy is the FIVB, the international governing body that oversees volleyball on a global scale. We work closely with FIVB to uphold the standards and values of volleyball worldwide.

International Governance Body - Federation International Volleyball (FIVB)

VNZ plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of volleyball within New Zealand. They provide the framework and guidance for our domestic operations.

National Governance Body

- Volleyball NZ 

The Volleyball Southland Board is responsible for overseeing volleyball activities and development within the Southland region. They work tirelessly to promote the sport at the local level.

Regional Governance Body

Volley South Board

2023-2024 Volley South Governance Board

Our dedicated board members who drive the vision of Volley South:

  1. Stephanie Roberts - Co-Chair -Appointed
  2. Opini Toomalatai - Co-Chair -Elected
  3. John Knowler - Appointed
  4. Brent Jamieson - Appointed
  5. Tomas Adams - Appointed Player Representative
  6. Julian Patino - Chair, Youth Voice Group*
  7. Amber Flay - Deputy Chair Youth Voice Group*


Volley South Executive Officer 

Donna (Donz) Milne

Contact Donz for inquiries and information:

Email: info@volleysouth.org.nz

Cell: 027 4710782

Coach Developer

  1. Jorgenlia Levia

Queenstown Coach

  1. Morgana Alberton

Volley South Paid Invercargill Competition Staff

Our competition team leaders are:

  1. Donz Milne
  2. Jorgenlia Levia
  3. Tomoka Satome
  4. Kris Milne

Volley South Paid Queenstown Competition Staff

Our competition team leader:

  1. Alexa and Denise

Our competition assistant:

  1. Roy Greer


We are proud to have the support and guidance of esteemed patrons who share our passion for volleyball:

Duncan Mckenzie

Dave McKissock
