In-School Kiwi Volley Delivery Information:

Volley South is committed to the ongoing development and growth of our sport within the South Region. Volleyball Zealand has developed this programme which covers the basic fundamentals and techniques of the game. At the conclusion of the programme, students should be able to demonstrate the following - the dig, the set, underarm serve, rotation and basic rules. If you think your students would be interested, then give Alissa an email and book a session today! (Sessions available all year round).

This programme is suitable for students from years 3 - 8 in the primary area. Year 9 - 13 are offered next level development opportunities. ​​​​​​​

Primary Year 4 – 8:

Sessions are normally 30 – 45 minutes long. We offer one-off sessions or weekly block session (max 6 weeks). Students will develop an understanding of the following:

 Ready Position, Dig, Set, Underarm Serve and basic rotation. 

Sessions available all year round. Volley South has portable volleyball nets and softballs for sessions should school require them for the session(s).

Secondary Year 7 – 13:

Sessions are normally 45 minutes to an hour but could be longer depending on the need of the group. These can be one-off sessions or block sessions (max 6 weeks). Students will be able to perform the basic volleyball fundamentals.

Ready Position, Digging, Setting, Underarm and Overarm Serve, Basic Rotation and basic playing rules. ​​​​​​​

Schools are required to have a Volleyball net and space available to be used for the session(s), all balls and extra items will be supplied by Volleyball Southland.

    Community Delivery – All ages

    Sessions are normally 30 – 45 minutes long. We offer one-off sessions or weekly block session (max 6 weeks). Students will develop an understanding of the following:

     Ready Position, Dig, Set, Underarm Serve and basic rotation. 

    Sessions available all year round. Volleyball Southland has portable volleyball nets and soft or hard balls for sessions.